Friday, June 10, 2022

Anchor Lodge 980 supports Lockard Chapter

Ron Wall, Past Master of Anchor Lodge 980, presents a donation from the lodge to Chris Morse, Master Councilor, at our Friday Fun Night tonight.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Masonic Organizations Support Lockard Chapter


Christopher Morse, Master Councilor of L.L. Lockard Chapter received donations this evening from Jim Sisco, Preeminent Governor of East Central York Rite College No. 81 and from Jerry Askren and James Peplow, Senior and Junior Wardens of Olive Branch Lodge No. 38.  Thank you, Brethren.  Your donations will enable our members to travel to events such as our upcoming Conclave and produce more local events such as our upcoming Friday Fun Night.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Lockard Chapter Members assist Catlin Lodge 285 with Installation


Master Councilor Chris M. and Brothers Spencer W., Michael W., and Aidan P. presented the U.S. Flag and helped Catlin Lodge No. 285 with their Installation of Officers Sunday, June 5, 2022.

June 10th Friday Night Hangout


L.L. Lockard will have a hangout at the Danville Masonic Center this Friday, June 10th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.  We plan to be in our parking lot next to the building with bags/cornhole and other outdoor games.  Friends and family are invited to attend.  Please bring lawn chairs if you have them.  We will have water, soft drinks, and some type of snacks. 

Please let us know if you are able to come and how many will join you so that we can get enough food and drink.